Sarah Harris
SecretarySarah Harris (board member since 2022)
Research and Development at Country Fire Authority
Victoria, Australia
Dr Sarah Harris is the Manager Research and Development at Country Fire Authority (CFA). Within this role, Sarah undertakes and drives best practice research and development that enhances corporate knowledge, community partnerships and operational capability in relation to wildfire risk.
Sarah has almost 20 years of research experience including completing her PhD at Monash University funded by NOAA Climate and Global Change Program, and as a Caltech Postdoctoral Research Scholar based at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Sarah’s research focuses on the variability and change in fire weather, climate-wildfire links and prediction of seasonal wildfire activity, understanding fire behaviour and using remotely sensed data in wildfire applications.
Sarah is an active participant in several Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authority Council (AFAC) groups, including Deputy Chair of Climate Change Group and Deputy Chair Predictive Services -Research Working Group and is a contributing author for IPCC 6AR Working Group II – Australasian Chapter. Finally, Sarah supports incident management throughout the fire season as a Fire Behaviour Analyst.