Editors-in-Chief: Susan G. Conard and Stefan Doerr
The International Journal of Wildland Fire is published on behalf of the International Association of Wildland Fire by CSIRO Publishing. The journal is published online and in print twelve times per year.
International Journal of Wildland Fire publishes new and significant papers that advance basic and applied research concerning wildland fire. The journal welcomes papers aimed at understanding the basic principles of fire as a process; its interactions with the weather and climate; its impacts on ecology, hydrology, geomorphology, landscape carbon dynamics, the atmosphere, and society; modelling fire and its effects; or presenting information on how to effectively and efficiently manage fire. Manuscripts from both the physical and the social sciences will be considered.
The journal has an international perspective, since wildland fire plays a major social, economic and ecological role in many regions of the world and strongly interacts with global climate change.
A subscriber gets free online access to the full text, both PDF and and HTML versions, of all issues of the Journal right back to Volume 1. If a subscription lapses, the subscriber still gets perpetual access to those years for which they did subscribe. Non-subscribers can also explore to the Abstract level of each paper.
An Archive of all published papers is available electronically. Our Early Alert service will inform you of new issues and their contents on publication (twelve emails per year).
Prospective authors are encouraged to examine the Author Instructions. The journal welcomes papers aimed at understanding the basic principles of fire as a process, understanding its ecological impact at the stand level and the landscape level, modeling fire and its effects, or presenting information on how to effectively and efficiently manage fire. All papers are refereed rigorously by the Journal’s Editorial Board and external reviewers.
Access to the online version of the Journal is a benefit of IAWF membership, with links located in the Members Only section of this website. IAWF members are also eligible for discounted Individual or Student print subscriptions.
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