The International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF), the Pau Costa Foundation (PCF), and the Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) organize the Partner Webinar Series, a monthly series of webinars to bring together diverse voices from the global wildland fire community. If you would like to suggest a topic or speaker for this series, please contact us.
Past Webinars
Emergency Management in Argentina: The Case of the Alerces National Park Fire in 2024 – El Centinela
June 27, 2024
Link to the recording
Webinar in Spanish with subtitles in English.
Andrés Bosch, Fire Management National Service (Argentina) and Ariel Amthauer, National Parks Administration (Argentina)
Andrés Bosch is a leading professional in the field of fire management and environmental protection in Argentina. Currently, he holds the position of regional coordinator of the National Fire Management Service (Undersecretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development) where he plays a crucial role in the planning and executing strategies for the prevention and management of wildfires in Argentina. Likewise, since 2004, he has been part of the Villa de las Rosas fire station in Córdoba, where he currently works as chief of the Active Corps. Bosch has worked in several countries, where it has provided training and actively participated in fighting forest fires, sharing its knowledge and learning from the most advanced international practices.
Ariel Amthauer, National Parks Administration (Argentina)
Building resilient territories in the context of extreme wildfires (May 30, 2024)
Presented by Fanina Tedim, PhD Geography Department, University of Porto, Portugal.
Listen to the recording.
Fantina Tedim has a PhD in Human Geography. She is a full professor in the Geography Department at the University of Porto, in Portugal. Her research focuses on the social dimension of wildfires began in 2010. Her research projects examined preparedness, vulnerability, resilience, communication, and the causes of fire ignitions. Her most important results are related to the concept of extreme wildfire and Fire Smart Territories.
Reflections from 20 years Examining the Social Dynamics of Fire Management (February 22, 2024)
Presented by Dr. Sarah McCaffrey
Listen to the recording.
Sarah McCaffrey, PhD, retired in 2022 after 20 years as a fire social scientist with the US Forest Service where her research focused on understanding the social dynamics of fire management. This included research projects that examined the role of risk perception and risk attitudes, social acceptability of prescribed fire, homeowner mitigation decisions, evacuation decision making, risk communication, and agency-community interactions during fires. Since retirement she has been involved with a number of research and practitioner efforts to improve future fire outcomes including as an adviser to the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Wildfire Resilience Initiative and Board member for Fire Adapted Colorado. She received her PhD in 2002 from the University of California at Berkeley where her dissertation examined Incline Village, Nevada homeowner views and actions in relation to defensible space and fuels management.
Integrating Public Health into Forest and Fire Management (November 17, 2023)
Presented by Savannah M D’Evelyn
Listen to the recording
Gender and Wildfires (October 5, 2023)
How Gender Equity Enhances our Capacity to Cope with Wildfires
Prof. Dr. Christine Eriksen, Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland
Analyzing Women’s Performance in Wildfire Research
Prof. Elsa Pastor, Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech and research scientist at the Center for Technological Risk Studies at UPC
Introduction to Partner Webinar Series
Panel of Presidents
Miriam Piqué, Pau Costa Foundation President, Head of the Multifunctional Forest Management Program, CTFC
Paul Hessburg, AFE President, Senior Research Ecologist, Pacific Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Joaquin Ramirez, IAWF President, CTO. Technosylva Inc. and Professor, University of Leon
This webinar provides an overview of each organization and discusses important wildland fire issues, future activities and goals, and ways the organizations can support each other.