Toddi A. Steelman, Ph.D.
Past President (2020-2021)Toddi A. Steelman, Ph.D., President (board member 2016-2021, President 2020-2021)
Stanback Dean, Nicholas School of the Environment Duke University
Dr. Toddi Steelman's broad research agenda focuses on improving the governance of environmental and natural resources, emphasizing the role of the public and community in science, policy, and decision-making interactions. She has a 20 year history working on the human dimensions of wildfire research and has conducted research on community aspects of wildfire management in Canada and the United States, including the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, New Mexico, Montana, Washington and Wyoming. Her research agenda has focused on understanding community responses to wildfire and how communities and agencies interact for more effective wildfire management. Steelman was co-founder, with Dr. Branda Nowell, of the Fire Chasers project at North Carolina State University (, which focuses on advancing the science of adaptive capacity toward more disaster resilient communities.